Our Leadership
Meet Dr. Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Do you ever wonder what you were born to do? Do you wonder what your mission is, or how your individual talents and interest could possibly make an impact? What if the mission has already been set before us, even as we play our part in different ways? The future of Christian ministry is becoming more and more diverse. I’m encouraged by a growing movement of Christians with a variety of gifts, callings and careers who are called to be part of God’s mission to make disciples of all nations. Whether you become a Lawyer, Nurse, English Teacher, Missionary or Pastor, God has a plan for you to be involved in His mission. That’s why I am excited to introduce you to The College at Southeastern. This is a place where you can be trained both theologically and vocationally. Maybe you’ll study English or maybe you’re interested in pastoral ministry. Whatever you choose, we can equip you to live out the gospel in any career path. The Lord Jesus Christ came to change the world, and He has called us to join Him in doing just that. Come discover your mission at The College at Southeastern. Go with us.
Meet Dr. Bible, Dean of the College at Southeastern
Thank you for your interest in The College at Southeastern! I am so thankful for the students God continues to draw to our school as they prepare to leverage their gifts and their calling to glorify Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. God is assembling an army of devoted followers and like-minded students here at Southeastern who are being equipped to make a difference for Jesus in the Church, among the nations and in every aspect of society. Through a wide variety of degree programs, we are providing rigorous academic preparation with a world-class faculty who personally invest in our students for their personal, spiritual and vocational development. Our goal is to produce graduates who are firmly grounded in the truth, thoroughly trained in their field and spiritually prepared to engage the world on mission for Christ.
I’m grateful that you would consider being a part of the Southeastern family and studying with us as you discern God’s plan for your life. I recognize that as you prayerfully consider how to find, follow and fulfill his will, that your academic and spiritual preparation is crucial. So, I invite you to join us, experience all that The College at Southeastern has to offer and come be equipped to give your life for the cause of Christ!